Saturday, September 5, 2009

Card of the week: Gintanai,The Forgotten

So today for my card of the week i will review the best creature EVER i think in the game (even if i have a rivality with Mipedian) Gintanai,The Forgotten (c120 p120 w30 s120 e60)
First of all, what i think of this card overempowered lol.I think the only thing you have to do to make this card indestructible (i like this word lol) its to put one or two Thrills of Diminution in your deckand you can almost alwas win!

1-Awesome stats and Energy(except wisdom)
3-Air and Earth 10!!!
4-Really beautyfull Art
5-Best card of the game

1-Each time he win you lose a creature but a Thrills of Diminution can fix that easly
Overrall i think all you need its to not sacrifice your creature by made Gintanai win without losing a creature anyway he got a 9.9/10 Because is not perfect but close too


  1. You don't have to sacrifice your creature, it mearly states that you must sacrifice a creature, so therefore no trills of Diinution mujic is required. (unless you are in a one-on-one.)

  2. sometimes it is said ''destroy a creature'', but to ''sacrifice a creature'' means that you'll have to eliminate one of YOUR creatures, not the opponents'. It is written in the rules.

  3. it's a good card but the ability really burns

  4. all you have to do is put him in a one on one with a supercharged alterent or use a gear that will boost his energy. You can also use attacks like earth pulse and thundershout. and use locations like sands of the unseen because he will get the first attack
